
Marquis Chapel 



The Marquis Chapel can be visited on Saturdays and Sundays thanks to the guided tours departing every hour from the tourist promotion Office A.S.A. R (open from 10.00 to 13.00 and from 14.00 to 18.00) located in the Dogana Palace in via Vittorio Emanuele III, next to the collegiate church.

Entrance tickets Euro 5, reduced Euro 3.50.

For groups it is obligatory to book, possible extraordinary openings on request.

For information Tel. 327.7804528 info@visitrevello.it

The frescoes of the chapel

The Marquis Chapel It is a late Gothic setting located in a cylindrical tower in the present town of Revello, once a Sottano castle and a favourite residence by the Marquises of Saluzzo Ludwig II and Margaret of Foix.   A single nave, originally housed in the apse part the altarpiece of the Madonna of Mercy by Hans Clemer and the stalls of a precious wooden choir, now both preserved in the Museo Civico Casa Cavassa in Saluzzo.

Entirely frescoed around the XV century, it presents in the lateral walls in a series of episodes in succession the stories of the patron saints of the Marquises, on the one hand Saint Louis IX King of France and on the other Santa Margaret of Antioch.  They cannot miss the portraits of the marquises themselves: above the windows in the apse we can admire to the left the Marquis Louis II With three of the five children, and right the marquise Margherità of Foix With the remaining two male sons.

The bottom wall has a large Last Supper Dated 1519, very similar to the well-known Milanese so much that according to the forklifts (Piedmont, 1903) "Can be the work of Leonardo da Vinci, who would pass to Revello to visit the marble quarries in Calcinere", attribution unfortunately to be excluded for obvious stylistic distance.

In the vaults alternate decorations of different eras between theories of saints, doctors of the church, evangelists and coats of arms, surrounded by a characteristic blue starry background.