The Association
The Associazione A.S.A.R Amici Storia Arte Revello has been committed for years for the valorization and promotion of the Territory.

Guided Tours
A.S.A.R. Tourist Promotion Office
Open from April to October Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays with 14:00-18:00.
Guided tours every hour (full cost €5, reduced 3.50 €) | 327-7804528
Via Vittorio Emanuele III, Revello (CN)-next to the Collegiate church
Compulsory reservation for groups; Possible special openings for groups on request.
Inside the ancient castle Sottano, now the seat of the town hall, is concealed in the only cylindrical tower remained the Marquis Chapel Wanted by the Marquis of Saluzzo in the XV century. By the will of the Marquise Margherita of Foix was entirely frescoed, Ragalando still today a wonderful and unexpected spectacle to the most.
The Abbey of Santa Maria di Staffarda It is located about 9 km from Revello, at the entrance of the valleys of the Monviso, in the plain just a few steps from the River Po. The Cistercian monks founded it in the distant 1135, reclaiming the land originally swampy and transforming the place into a thriving agricultural centre. Entering the village you will feel like going back in time, deeper in a corner of the Middle Ages preserved by modernity.
Revello sviluppa il suo centro urbano alle pendici del Mombracco, soprannominato “la montagna di Leonardo” . Sentieri ben segnalati e percorribili da grandi e bambini, a piedi o in mountain bike, vi conducono alla scoperta del Forte di Bramafam, numerose piccole cappelle, aree attrezzate per la sosta, i ruderi dell’antico castello soprano, vedute panoramiche su tutta la pianura.
The Naturalistic Museum of the Po River offers a fascinating array of dioramas that tell in a single room all the Monviso Park, from the mountain to the plain. A path to know environments and animals of the park to see them up close, inserted in their usual habitat, ideal for young and old.